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Are You Needed in Your Church?

'Lil' Country Church' photo (c) 2007, Mary - license: A lot has been written lately about people in my age demographic leaving the church. Some have suggested reasons for this, others countered with other possibilities. Solutions have spanned the spectrum. We’re told our generation is wary of anything that hints at consumerism, and then in the next breath we’re given reasons for attending church that center on what we can get out of it. It’s no wonder we are leaving the church–we’re not even sure what it’s for.

This post isn’t really about millenials leaving the church. It’s not about millenials at all, actually.

The consumer mentality of church members and church-goers is not unique to my generation. It can be found in every demographic in probably every church. Where I most often see it, and where I am most often guilty of it myself, is in the area of service.

My husband and I started attending our church nearly eight years ago. We were there just a few months before people were volunteering us to serve in various areas. We found ourselves part of a newly formed “Greeting Ministry,” I was working in the nursery, we were teaching kids on Wednesday nights. It was a little overwhelming. We didn’t know how to say “no,” so we “served” begrudgingly. Truth be told, we were both pastor’s kids and were unsure how to be normal church members.

It was easy to think, “Well I’m not sure this is my gifting. Maybe I should find something that uses my talents and abilities better.”

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to use our gifts to serve our church family. But then again, who would say they have the spiritual gift of changing diapers? Holding doors open? Setting up chairs?

Thankfully the Lord revealed to me the selfishness of my heart. I wasn’t serving anyone, really. I was performing needed tasks, but my heart was not in it. Even still it’s easy to slip back into this. It’s the mentality that thinks my service on the Sundays in which I sing with the worship team are more valuable that those in which I am a substitute teacher in the preschool department.

People leave churches over things like this. When our gifts are unneeded or we go unrecognized for some God-given ability, we decide we’ll go somewhere else where we’re “needed.” So we leave a church with a need for workers in every children’s department because we just don’t feel we’re being used there.

I think ultimately it comes down to this: Are we serving for the benefit of the Body, or for our own self-fulfillment?

Serving in our local church is not meant to meet our needs for self-fulfillment or self-worth. We don’t go to church to “find ourselves.” Or if we do, we learn the only way to find our lives is to first lose them. That’s the whole picking up our cross and following thing (Matt. 10:38-39).

A love for Christ is accompanied by a love for His bride. My church family is just that–my family. I can’t imagine saying to my husband, “I’m sorry, I just didn’t change our son’s diaper today because it really isn’t my gifting and I’m not sure it would really use my talents well.” No, I love my son and I love my husband. If the diaper needs to be changed, I change it. It’s a simple way to serve in love and meet a need. This doesn’t mean my gifts aren’t important. What it means is that sometimes the need for a servant is greater than my need to use a specific gift.

A love for the church means a heart that desires to give. There are weeks I’m tempted to go to church and sit back and be served. Now, sometimes being served is what we need to do. If you’re one who is always giving, but in pride refusing to receive, that’s not okay. Allow others the chance to serve you. But if we refuse to serve in the nursery because Sunday is our one chance to get away from kids, we’re thinking of church wrongly. The Bible speaks strongly about the church being our family, even more than our flesh and blood families. (UPDATE: For a great series on this, see this post and those following). So Sunday is not a chance to take a break from family–it’s a chance to serve our true family.

When you are part of a body that loves and serves and gives, there is a beautiful bond that forms. You see people serving in the background and you praise God for that. You see the joy of service in others, and you want to follow suit. You see a need and you long to meet it.

It’s not about self-fulfillment; it’s about self-denial.

The church is the bride of a Bridegroom who emptied Himself and took “the form of a servant.” He humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross. Our Savior did this on our behalf. He freed us from trying to one-up one another. He freed us to serve in love, just as He did. He freed us to rest in the knowledge that our service does not earn our salvation.

We love because we have been loved, and we serve because we have been served.

As we head into the fall, many churches are looking for people to serve in a wide array of areas. Let’s not wait to be wanted or asked. Let’s find out how we may serve our family in love.

19 responses »

  1. I want to say Catherine Parks has the heart of service to the Lord, Reading this story meant a lot to me, as her father-in-law is my pastor. I really enjoy her writing. God bless you Catherine, Erik and children. In Christ, Ethel Voss

  2. Lovely, Catherine. Excellent meditation on the root of the matter — the heart, and excellently written as well.

  3. Well said, Catherine! You are so right – our attitude should never be “what can the church do for me,” but rather, “what can I do for my church.” Thank you for this thoughtful reflection!

  4. Great article, Catherine. It’s a privilege to serve our true Family. I’ve always been more blessed by serving than by being served. And thanks for you and your husband’s service, by the way.

  5. Christopher Walker

    The diaper changing example was about the best analogy I’ve ever read on the subject. Nice piece–well written and it was obviously from the heart. As an old Pastor friend of mine used to always say, “That will preach.” You may have just given your father-in-law a great start to a sermon.

    I wish you great blessing from God!

  6. Thank you! Wonderfully written!

  7. Pingback: “Are You Needed in Your Church?” | poikilos

  8. Pingback: Don’t Skip Out On Church » Worship Rejoices

  9. This awesome! Great points here.

  10. Pingback: In Case You Missed It… (8/10/13) |

  11. Thank you for this beautifully written reminder.

  12. Thanks for this, it was a good reminder. I find it easy to ‘serve’ while being proud and wanting people to notice me – it’s something that needs to change. I think we focus way too much on ourselves and forget that we need to be focussing on serving God and those around us (or else we fool ourselves and think that we are doing it right when we aren’t).

  13. Pingback: Monday Challenge 8.12.13

  14. Pingback: The Good Stuff (13/8) – Living Intentionally

  15. Pingback: Sola Wednesday: 8/14/2013 | Going to Damascus

  16. Pingback: Friday Feature 8.16.13 – Are You Needed At Your Church?

  17. Pingback: Saturday Shout-Outs: Milwaukee, Dayton, & Ministry Links | H.B. Charles Jr.

  18. Pingback: Feature Friday (11/22/13) | Preacher on the Run...

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